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What to prepare before an interview : For interviewers and interviewees

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What to prepare before an interview : For interviewers and interviewees

The success of an interview does not only depend on the interviewee. In order for both parties to benefit, the interviewer should also prepare thoroughly before the interview. Interviewers represent the company's image, so it is important to give a good impression to the candidates.

Ideally one of the interviewers should be the hiring manager. This will ensure that the correct technical questions are asked, and also allows the interviewee to get a true understanding of the role. This helps make a good impression on the candidate as well.

Here are some tips for the Interviewer on how to prepare effective questions.

✅ Prepare questions related to the job responsibilities of the position you are hiring for.

✅ Read the candidate's resume before the interview.

✅ Be prepared to answer any questions the candidate may have.

✅ Be a good listener.

✅ Set aside time for the interview and make sure it is your 100% focus and that you are not interrupted

✅ Dress professionally. Be natural and comfortable.

A Job Interview is a must stage for any job seeker. Once you reach the interview stage, you have a higher chance of being hired. In order for the interview to be successful and smooth, you also need to have confidence and you need to prepare well before answering the interview. Here are some interview preparation pointers for interviewees so you can make sure you know exactly what questions you are going to cover before you go to the interview.

✅ Before going to the interview, learn about the company.

✅ Read the job description carefully.

✅ Practice interviewing with common questions.

✅ Lay out your outfit the night before the interview.

✅ Practice Proper Interview Etiquette.

You will be as prepared as any applicant the interviewer has ever seen if you are carefully prepared according to these guidelines.